Tagged: Paul Ryan

Roll Call: Who Drank the Trump Kool-Aid and Who’s Still Sane?

Here’s a roundup of prominent Republican figures and whether or not they have succumbed to Donald J. Trump in his reign of terror on the GOP as well as where they are on the gamut of Trump support. Roughly speaking, the spectrum ranges from Christie (full-on “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” crazy) to Ryan (sane reluctance to support Trump and enough principle left to denounce him as needed).

Et Tu, Ryan and Rubio?

Whether or not Rubio’s decision to support Trump is idealism or political opportunism is between him and his conscience. While I understand their reasoning and know that Ryan is an especially difficult position, it breaks my heart to see both Rubio and Ryan choose party over principle. I would have loved to see two politicians I admire hold the line.