Tagged: #NeverTrump

The Homeless Conservative

By MATT SHAPIRO Last week, I flew from Seattle to Washington, D.C., to teach a workshop on data visualization. I have done this a few times, back in 2015 in what now seems like...

Stop Pretending Hillary Isn’t Terrible

I’m willing to buy this, but only if he curses out Hillary for being such a terrible person By MATT SHAPIRO I’ve always been a bit of a contrarian so I’m pretty used to...

2016 RedState Gathering: Let’s (Not) Talk Politics

The 2016 RedState Gathering was a time for conservatives to come together and remember what unites them in such a divisive year. We took the opportunity to ask some conservative friends to forget about politics for a minute to answer two very important questions: What are you drinking and what are you reading? 

I Will Never Vote For Trump

I think we’re all hitting this point. We’re all looking at the failures, the pain, the injustice around us and we are all asking “what is government good for”? 

To Beat Trump, Stop Defending Hillary

This is not the election for youthful idealism, in which we get to choose from the forces of light against the forces of darkness. This is an election for cynical, hardened adults. 

Roll Call: Who Drank the Trump Kool-Aid and Who’s Still Sane?

Here’s a roundup of prominent Republican figures and whether or not they have succumbed to Donald J. Trump in his reign of terror on the GOP as well as where they are on the gamut of Trump support. Roughly speaking, the spectrum ranges from Christie (full-on “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” crazy) to Ryan (sane reluctance to support Trump and enough principle left to denounce him as needed).

I Will Never Vote for Trump

I will never vote for Donald Trump, not in any scenario, not if he picks someone I respect and admire as VP, not if he swears on a stack of Bibles that he’ll do the right thing by the Supreme Court and stop undermining the pro-life cause and be the conservative he’s never once been before if we somehow make him president.