Tagged: Donald Trump

PolitiFact’s Own Truth Rating? Biased

By MATT SHAPIRO When it comes to fact-checking, no organization is better known than PolitiFact. The online fact-checking project operated by the Tampa Bay Times is synonymous with the concept of the fact-check as...

Please, Nominate This Man

Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons By J.D. ECARMA and MATT SHAPIRO Back in what seems like a much more innocent time (2004), National Review published a tongue-in-cheek cover story on Howard Dean asking...

Stop Pretending Hillary Isn’t Terrible

I’m willing to buy this, but only if he curses out Hillary for being such a terrible person By MATT SHAPIRO I’ve always been a bit of a contrarian so I’m pretty used to...

Roll Call: Who Drank the Trump Kool-Aid and Who’s Still Sane?

Here’s a roundup of prominent Republican figures and whether or not they have succumbed to Donald J. Trump in his reign of terror on the GOP as well as where they are on the gamut of Trump support. Roughly speaking, the spectrum ranges from Christie (full-on “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” crazy) to Ryan (sane reluctance to support Trump and enough principle left to denounce him as needed).

Et Tu, Ryan and Rubio?

Whether or not Rubio’s decision to support Trump is idealism or political opportunism is between him and his conscience. While I understand their reasoning and know that Ryan is an especially difficult position, it breaks my heart to see both Rubio and Ryan choose party over principle. I would have loved to see two politicians I admire hold the line.

Would Donald Trump Be a Good Commander in Chief? Lol No.

Trump is, really, no better than Hillary Clinton.

Maybe he’s worse, but as usual with Trump, the biggest part of the danger is that he’s completely inconsistent so it’s hard to pin down where he stands or what he’d do.

Here’s what we do know.

I Will Never Vote for Trump

I will never vote for Donald Trump, not in any scenario, not if he picks someone I respect and admire as VP, not if he swears on a stack of Bibles that he’ll do the right thing by the Supreme Court and stop undermining the pro-life cause and be the conservative he’s never once been before if we somehow make him president.