Tagged: 2016 election

‘Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’ Wins the Battle (Passing the Bechdel Test) But Loses the War (Being a Great Film)

Like its central character, “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” can’t quite figure out what it wants to be when it grows up.

The one and only Tina Fey is lots of fun per usual playing Kim Baker, a 40-something who ditches her deadbeat job writing news copy for people who “look pretty on TV” to cover blood, sweat and explosions in Afghanistan. She’s typically deadpan hilarious, with a uniquely Fey sense of timing, and brings a wry humanity to the role as she acts as a surrogate for the audience. Most of us have never been to Afghanistan or experienced the terror of a war zone; Fey’s Baker hasn’t either, grappling with new dangers and a foreign culture in a relatable way.

Listen to the People Who Are Voting for Trump

My mom explained it best, as moms usually do.

“People are worried about basic needs,” she told me. “You can’t worry about anything else if you’re worried about having a job, food, transportation and a home.”

People back home in our rural town boycotted a particular clothing brand that sent its plant to Mexico, leaving workers without jobs. By the numbers, the U.S. economy seems to be at near full employment, but that’s only because enough people have given up looking for jobs to shrink the labor force. President Obama has lied to Americans when he’s promised to keep jobs in the country, instead giving millions in taxpayer dollars to foreign companies or U.S. companies that built factories in other countries. Sending jobs to China has cost Americans 3.2 million jobs in the past 15 years.

Donald Trump Is a Middle School Bully and He Wants Your Lunch Money

You, an American voter, are being conned.

Donald Trump has promised you jobs, a booming economy, security and American pride. He is lying to you. Trump has told you that he can stick it to the man, but the problem is that Trump is the man, someone who built an empire by taking his daddy’s money and then sticking it to the little guy.

Trump does not fight for you. Trump fights for Trump. Anything that gets damaged along the way—including you—doesn’t matter. Take a moment to google “Trump takes insurance from child” or “Trump kicks veterans off Fifth Avenue.” You’ll see it in about 2 seconds.

7 Times Trump Accidentally Showed He’s Not Religious … at All

I dislike Donald Trump’s blowhard, fear-mongering, liberal-in-conservative’s-clothing campaign for a lot of reasons, but there’s one in particular that makes me see red: whenever he mentions faith.

I’m an evangelical Christian, and my religious convictions influence my political leanings more than anything else. And I’m here to tell you that Religious Trump is fake, fake, fake.

Here’s What’s at Stake This Election

No president will be perfect. But in the aftermath of a disastrous liberal administration, it is crucial that we elect a leader who will defend our basic freedoms instead of undermining them, value life at its most vulnerable stage and view America not as something to transform but a precious resource to protect.

Philosopher Needed ASAP!

I looked up some philosophy jobs and found that there were hundreds of jobs, employers so desperate for philosophers you can hear the panic in their job posts.